Yoga Rehabilitation


Yoga can help correct the dysfunctional patterns that we have set up through life, enhancing structural integrity of each system of the body through the applications of ideal alignment and breath awareness.  Dr Clive teaches Iyengar Yoga both nationally and internationally and is available to teach at seminars, retreats, guest speaking and private tuition.Yoga is a health system that encourages and supports you on a journey of self-transformation.

Rachael Farrelly teaches breath centred classes for relaxation, core strengthening, mobility and stability. Rachael, is trained in Hatha, Yin, Pregnancy Yoga, Pilates, Yogalates™, Mindful Based Stillness Meditation & Hypnosis.

To see Dr Clive and Rachael Farrelly’s timetable click below to book using the MINDBODY APP