Rachael Farrelly is certified in strategic psychotherapy and clinical hypnotherapy, MBSM (mindful based stillness meditation), yoga for anxiety, depression & PTSD, pre natal yoga & ™Yogalates.

What is Psychotherapy?

A brief therapy offering a highly effective approach through solution focused coaching. This therapy teaches you to utilise strengths and develop strategies to create the change you want in your life. Often there may be gaps in an individuals experiential knowledge, psychotherapy aims to identify those gaps, provide support and equip you with tools for healthier living. Sessions will begin with talking about your areas of concern and follow with a strong focus on the HOW’S. Knowing why and being willing is NOT enough, psychotherapy helps you explore the HOW’S and create change to live a life empowered and confident in your choices. It is encouraging to know you may be one insight away from a transformational experience of your life.

What is hypnotherapy?

Clinical hypnotherapy is a vehicle to work with the mind in the subconscious state. Life is a series of both conscious and subconscious processes. We spend the majority of our time in subconscious patterns, unaware of the effect this may be having on choices. Todays science estimates 95 percent of our brain activity is in the subconscious. In hypnotherapy relaxation techniques with heightened concentration provide a state to suggest process changes that are specific to each individuals desired outcome which is discussed prior to the therapy in the interview process. Hypnotherapy aims to rebuild patterns in the subconscious mind addressing a wide range of mental and physical health concerns. You are always in control absorbing the guided suggestions in a relaxed state.

After a review of your area of concern, an effective solution based session will offer you strategies to improve the quality of your health, life and relationships, specialising in;

  • GDH - gut directed hypnotherapy

  • Anxiety

  • Panic attacks

  • Stress related concerns

  • Weight

  • Relaxation therapy

Meet Rachael for a face to face or zoom session to identify the areas you would most like to experience change. The session will suggest ways in which you can deal successfully with experiences such as stress, anxiety, fear, panic attacks and unhelpful mindset to help you access a more present, joyful and positively strategised life, leaving patterns and loops of learned behaviours behind.

Have you experienced hypnotherapy before?

There are many myths about hypnotherapy, the style Rachael employs is Ericksonian hypnotherapy. The method Rachael uses is personalised and not scripted as some traditional forms of hypnosis.

How many sessions will I need?

Depending on the area of concern, hypnosis can help in just one session.

You have learned and experienced many abilities in your life, which all reside in your unconscious mind,this process helps you re-engineer anything that has been identified by yourself as being unhelpful.

The experience is vastly different from person to person and it is important to know that in this heightened focus state you are always in control.

Rachael holds yoga/hypnotherapy workshops and women’s wellness classes in the clinic/studio and they are held monthly or in 4 week blocks , see workshops

In addition regular yoga classes to reduce body and mind tension can be helpful with general life wellness. Dr Clive and Rachael teach classes that help improve stability, flexibility, mobility, strength, cardiovascular fitness to all ages and levels of fitness.

We use props to ensure every person that attends our classes can participate safely and pain free. See the timetable

If you have any questions, TEXT 0413 746 169 to organise a complimentary phone session to answer any further questions you may have.

Strategic Psychotherapy & Clinical Hypnosis 

“You are only one insight away from a totally transformative experience of your life..”