Injury & Sports Rehabilitation


What is DNS?

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (DNS), is an approach that believes the human locomotor (movement) system is based on the scientific principles of Developmental Kinesiology (DK). DK is the scientific understanding of how a normal baby matures in the neurophysiological aspect of our neuromuscular skeletal system. DNS emphasises that a person cannot move with sustainability if they cannot stabilise all the corresponding segments of the body efficiently in any kind of functional movement pattern. In children and adults, a faulty Integrated Spinal Stabilising System (ISSS), often leads to faulty movement patterns, enhanced degenerative changes of the bones and joints, including wear and tear syndromes of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

 Injury and Sports Rehabilitation

This is an expanding area of Rehab devoted to providing Non-Surgical options to clients who might have otherwise been compelled to choose the path of surgery. Injury/Sports Rehabilitation increasingly recognises the inherent capability of the body to heal under ideal conditions. Injury/Sport Rehabilitation Chiropractors expand their knowledge over the full spectrum of care of their clients, both with patients in non-operative rehabilitation or assisting patients pre/post operations.

 Management of Non-Operative Conditions : 

Shoulder, Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis: Successfully helping with pain management and optimising your functional movement patterns, individual Graded Rehab exercises are established at our clinic which safely returns you back to everyday activities with confidence, including sport, with a more measured and integrated approach to ultimately delay unnecessary surgery and keeping injuries away.


Sports injuries :  joint and muscle sprains, fractures and dislocations, occur when playing sports either indoor or outdoors or can can simply happen while casually exercising. These can often result from :


•      Direct or indirect contact injury

•      Inappropriate training / preparation

•      Lack of proper stretching or warm-up techniques


 Recovery Plan and Treatment

The most widely used and recommended treatment protocol post injury is as follows:

•      Protect - Support and position the injury so as to stabilise it and not allow it to get any worse

•      Optimal Loading - To stimulate and enhance tissue recovery quickly, a safe non-exacerbating load is indicated as soon as the injury occurs for the most favourable rehabilitation outcome.

•      Ice - For pain relief and controlling inflammation for the first 24 - 72 Hours.

•      Compression - To control swelling and inflammation.

•      Elevation - Reduce swelling by raising affected limb above the level of the heart.






The first step in Acute Injury treatment is relative rest to lessen the irritation of the injured tissues. 1-2 weeks is usually the time period of rest phase, bracing or strapping can be applied to the injured area for additional support and comfort with intermittent use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to help ease the pain.




DNS Rehabilitation


Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) is a rehab system based on neurologic development which evaluates motor control to assess and treat the neuromuscular skeletal system. DNS emphasises that a person cannot move optimally if they find it difficult to stabilise all the corresponding segments of the body efficiently with any functional movement pattern. In adults and children, a faulty Integrated Spinal Stabilising System (ISSS), often leads to enhanced degenerative changes of the bones and joints, including wear and tear syndromes of muscles, tendons and ligaments, ultimately leading to injury and pain.

By working through a series of progressive developmental positions and exercises that mirror the milestones of our developing years, we train the brain to improve stability, posture, breathing, and movement which optimises function and performance as well as reducing your pain. The body usually heals anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks as it lays down new tissue, making an area progressively stronger post injury and may take many months to fully integrate back to its original dynamics.




Return to sport and everyday activities


This is the most important phase for people in recovery from overuse injuries, it allows the execution of safe purposeful movements for the return to athletic performance or every day activities.


DNS trained professionals will customise the principles to identify your problem and integrate a plan involving posture, movements and unique positions tailored to your diagnosis to be ultimately pain free. Your Chiropractors goal is to progressively have you trained to maintain the control and stability beyond treatment which helps prevent pain, weakness and further injury from returning.