Pre & Post Natal Health

Chiropractic Care Helping Pregnant Women Holistic Chiropractic care for women throughout their journey toward motherhood, from pre-conception up to delivery often need gentle adjustments and myofascial releases to help improve the mother’s overall alignment, strength and functionality. A woman’s body goes through significant physical changes to accommodate the new baby growing inside her, putting pressure and stress on her whole body, especially at different segments along her spine, hips and nerve problems that include sciatic nerve and carpal tunnel syndrome. Safe, manual mobilisations, adjustments and dynamic neuromuscular stabilisation exercises helps relieve the pressure and pain that can often persist.


Dietary and lifestyle advice is important for the new mother and her baby, so helping the

mother to make healthy conscious choices that increase the important nutrients necessary for the mother and baby’s growth and well-being would include important advice like increasing protein, iron, vitamin D, calcium and folate; these nutrients being paramount for a healthy successful pregnancy.


Dr Clive teaches the importance of a healthy diet, proper exercise, and stress avoidance during pregnancy, he is always available to help evaluate lifestyle problems and recommend small changes that support the health of the mother and her baby.